Uploading orders (JSON)

Uploads orders.

The data is transmitted in the POST request body in JSON format. Learn more about the format of transmitted data.

For Yandex Metrica to process information about orders, you need to transmit customer data. Yandex Metrica links customer information to sessions, and order data to sessions and customers. This is necessary for calculating and displaying statistics.

Note. Для одного клиента можно передать не более 100 000 заказов.
  1. Request syntax
  2. In the request body
  3. Response format

Request syntax

counterId: ID of the tag that you want to upload orders for.

 ? merge_mode=<update_type>
merge_mode *Data saving mode. For any value, pass all required fields, even ones that aren't modified.

Acceptable values:

  • SAVE: All previously transmitted data is completely replaced with new data. Learn more
  • UPDATE: Only the information that you're currently uploading is updated. Learn more
  • APPEND: New information is added to the previously uploaded information. Learn more
merge_mode *Data saving mode. For any value, pass all required fields, even ones that aren't modified.

Acceptable values:

  • SAVE: All previously transmitted data is completely replaced with new data. Learn more
  • UPDATE: Only the information that you're currently uploading is updated. Learn more
  • APPEND: New information is added to the previously uploaded information. Learn more

* Required

In the request body

--data '{
        "orders": [
                "id": "704",
                "client_uniq_id": "J3QQ4-H7H2V-2HCH4-M3HK8-6M8VW",
                "client_type": "CONTACT",
                "order_status": "IN_PROGRESS",
                "create_date_time": "2022-09-21 09:48:23",
                "update_date_time": "2022-10-15 10:48:34",
                "cost": 4000,
                "revenue": 5000,
                "goals": [
                          "goal_action_id": "goal_id1",
                          "price": 123.5
                "products": {
                    "pear": 10,
                    "apple": 30
                "id": "706",
                "client_uniq_id": "ZYX4-H7H2V-2HCH4-M3HK8-6M8VW",
                "client_type": "CONTACT",
                "order_status": "PAID",
                "create_date_time": "2022-09-30 10:48:23",
                "cost": 10000,
                "revenue": 13000,
                "goals": [
                          "goal_action_id": "goal_id2",
                          "price": 123.5
                "products": {
                    "apple": 30,
                    "cherry": 20

Parameters Description
orders List of orders.
create_date_time Date and time of order creation in the tag's time zone. You can't change this value.
revenue Revenue. Total value of the order.
cost Expenses.
currency Order currency in ISO 4217 format.
goals Goals and their costs in the order.
id Order ID.
client_uniq_id ID of the customer (uniq_id) who made this order.
client_type Type of customer who made this order.
update_date_time Date and time of order update in the tag's time zone. If the parameter is not passed, the value is inserted automatically.
finish_date_time Date and time of order completion in the tag's time zone.
order_status Order status ID. An arbitrary string. You can change the status. Specify the value that you passed when mapping statuses in the "id" field.
products Products in the order.
goal_action_id JS goal ID.
price Goal cost in the order.
Parameters Description
orders List of orders.
create_date_time Date and time of order creation in the tag's time zone. You can't change this value.
revenue Revenue. Total value of the order.
cost Expenses.
currency Order currency in ISO 4217 format.
goals Goals and their costs in the order.
id Order ID.
client_uniq_id ID of the customer (uniq_id) who made this order.
client_type Type of customer who made this order.
update_date_time Date and time of order update in the tag's time zone. If the parameter is not passed, the value is inserted automatically.
finish_date_time Date and time of order completion in the tag's time zone.
order_status Order status ID. An arbitrary string. You can change the status. Specify the value that you passed when mapping statuses in the "id" field.
products Products in the order.
goal_action_id JS goal ID.
price Goal cost in the order.

Sample request

POST https://api-metrika.yandex.net/cdp/api/v1/counter/{counterId}/data/orders?merge_mode=SAVE

Response format

    "uploading" : {
        "uploading_id" :  < string > ,
        "datetime" :  < local_date_time > ,
        "api_validation_status" :  < api_validation_status > ,
        "elements_count" :  < integer > ,
        "entity_type" :  < entity_type > ,
        "entity_subtype" :  < string > ,
        "uploading_format" :  < uploading_format > ,
        "uploading_source" :  < uploading_source > 
Parameters Description
uploading Upload information
uploading_id Upload ID
datetime Upload time
api_validation_status Upload validation status

Possible values:

  • PASSED: Validation passed.
  • FAILED: Validation failed.
elements_count Number of elements in the upload
entity_type Entity type

Possible values:

  • SYSTEM: System entity, such as contacts or orders.
  • CUSTOM_LIST: Custom list.
  • SYSTEM_LIST: System list, such as products.
entity_subtype Entity subtype
uploading_format Upload format

Possible values:

  • CSV: CSV.
uploading_source Upload source

Possible values:

  • API: API.
Parameters Description
uploading Upload information
uploading_id Upload ID
datetime Upload time
api_validation_status Upload validation status

Possible values:

  • PASSED: Validation passed.
  • FAILED: Validation failed.
elements_count Number of elements in the upload
entity_type Entity type

Possible values:

  • SYSTEM: System entity, such as contacts or orders.
  • CUSTOM_LIST: Custom list.
  • SYSTEM_LIST: System list, such as products.
entity_subtype Entity subtype
uploading_format Upload format

Possible values:

  • CSV: CSV.
uploading_source Upload source

Possible values:

  • API: API.